The Templar Degree
The Templar Degree is the symbol of Oneness and the manifestation of Christ
Consciousness into our world. The symbol was received in July of 1998 by Reiki
Master/Teacher, Darla Traylor through a transmission from the Ascended Master
Lord Sananda. The attunement is to be shared with those already attuned to Reiki Master who
feel called to receive it. Along with receiving the limited amount of information that there is on the
Templar Degree via email, you will also receive a distant attunement, as well as
a certificate of empowerment. After receiving the above you will then be a Templar
Degree Master which enables you to pass these energies on to others. This course counts towards one course completion towards our Certified Holistic Health Practitioner Program which is provided at no additional cost once the student has graduated from any 5 Reiki Rays Institute courses.
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