7 Facet Seichim Reiki
7 Facet Seichim is a
modality developed by Tom Seaman after being inspired by the
original Seichim program discovered by Patrick Ziegler. There are ten symbols within the system, which is divided into seven facets. There are meditation practices associated with each facet. Seekers of
7 Facet Seichim are empowered via an energy attunement process
which is performed distantly by appointment
in one singular session-
no need to self-attune nor receive this via chi-ball method. The manual will be emailed to you within 24 hours enrollment, and sent to the email address used in the checkout process. Please reach out to reikirays@yahoo.com if you have not received your manual within 24 hours. The manual icludes the following
information: Facet/Level 1 will
allow you to experience the Seichim energy for the first time Facet/Level 2 provides
Body and Emotional integration of the Seichim energy within and
allows you to experience all the dimensional aspects of Seichim Facet/Level 3 will
give you the ability to empower inanimate objects Facet/Level 4 you
will experience angel wings, the attunement will also open
blockages and seal the energy within you Facet/ Level 5 will
help you to achieve balance, wholeness and emotional integration
in order to truly feel peace within your life Facet/Level 6 will
connect and align your higher and lower self. This will allow
you to connect with yourself on a subconscious level Facet/Level 7 is
the master level, also known as becoming the infinity, teaching
you vision and insight and enlightenment. While many energy healing
instructors provide attunement procedures via chi-ball or
self-attunement methods, at Reiki Rays Institute we prefer to do all our energy
attunements by live scheduled distance appointment at a time
that works around your schedule. If you prefer the chi-ball or
self- attunement method, then per your request we will empower
you to proceed in this method. After your attunement is complete you will be issued your certiication and lineage as a 7 Facet Seichim Reiki Master, which will be emailed or mailed to you at no addtional charge. You will be fully empowered to teach, attune, lead workshops, or provide sessions to others.
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